Thursday, June 7, 2012

the magic rose2

زهور ملونة متحركة

He approached to the woman
"Why do you leave him?"
She said "he is my husband
And wanted …"
The old said "you are loved
You are his hope
I know that
From your last
from his sight
he can't forget you
he can't leave you
you sit in  outlook
Closely and lovely sit
Go and asking him
Why do you do that?
The woman said "no ,my dignity"
The old said "what ?your dignity"
Old speech lost all lovely
Don't do like that
Who said the same word
And he lost his love
Do you see that rose?
It has a magic sense
Go and listen to a voice
And don't tell about it
Otherwise the war established
The lovers lost their love
The woman approached after late
Of about ten minutes considered
She was in the other side
The trunks was covered the sides
So the sides can not be remarked
She hard a voice talked
She heard approach sound
She knew that sound
This sound of her husband
Her face became red
She was as a bride
Her heart was pumped
She heard his lovely words
That can't be heard
Before when they faced
She said to the rose
I love him also
Than any thing in that world
The old man vanished
They ran to the other side
They embarrassed at a side
They kissed out of sight

عصفوران متحابان

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