Saturday, June 2, 2012

The hunter knew

The hunter knew
The hunter went to hunt
He saw the wolf, the owl
The fox and rat gazing
They were looking and amazing
Except the rat was crying
He heard them saying
"Good treasure, good treasure"
He dreamt that he would get
A good life that he deserved
He will be smart as a star
He had unordinary car
And he had a big palace
This had all intelligence
He climbed the tree
To have that treasure free
But he found a trapped rat
So he decided to give that
To the a needy person
He waited to ask every one
When the wolf got up
He asked why you said that
"A good treasure"?!
He said "I am hungry
I want to eat to be funny
And went to get great prey"
He saw an owl landing
He asked her
Why you said that?
She said "this is a hunt
To my little child
To chassed his hunger
And teach him how to hunt"
He saw a fox climbing
He asked him about that
He said "I am very hungry
I'd like to eat
To be happy
And get its pelt
To make it as a rug
He saw a small rat
He asked him about that
He said that is my mother
Which was in defense manner
To protect me from a danger
From bad on who is a hunter
The mother equals pearl
That is ebullient and dear
She is awake when I am ill
She became sad
When I am not well
She laughs when I laugh
She asks her god
To be best than every one
She deserves to be dearest person
I said that that
He was transported
With his mother to a home
Hand in hand with tied heart
My eyes were teary
I complete the journey

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