Friday, May 17, 2013

The secret 5


The secret 5
The prince was gone
What must we have done
To return that one?"
Said Fathi with bad temper
Ayman ordered gnham to approach
He said we must reach
Before they went to their beach
Of bad thoughts they wanted to finished
What they had planned and wished"
The car moved so slowly
As it was tide of mountain heavily
Ayamn said "it must out of citadel
Of Mohamed Ali was in barrel
Kept to see the old thing"
"But how can we move ?
We don't know where they go"
Smith said with bad amazed
I will lost my honest
In reaching and succeed of stop
That bad guys wanted to stop
And occupy our world
As it is moved in a cycle"
Aymn said "what a cycle
But a plane flew in a level
Higher than our looking
It didn't move not so speed
But hurry as it is a rocket"
Alan said "stop moving now!
We must know as we can
Where can they go ?"
Smith said "look masters !
They said they will occupy
The world and made their center
At the point of all civilization"
Alan said "oh !yes !it is the pyramids
Under the sphinx region"
Fathi said "we must go forward"
Gnahm added" I knew a shortened road
That we can go without late"
Jack said "but why did they take the body"
The ghost appeared at the horizon
Showing the big face for a person
Talking with loud voice for every one
Saying "I red about that person
He was so important person
At his empire of pharaoh
But he had an enemy
Of pharaoh's guards and police
They wanted to get him away
To kill the pharaoh so way
To govern all the world
And exported all bad thoughts
They acted in fact as a thieves
Who wanted to gather all jewels
And control them by their hands"
Jack said "as I am trader of monument
I see they were not development
They were so bad in thoughts
And they don't have any science
The ghost said "no ,no they approached to the advance
Matter and material in science
They can convert the lead into gold"
Fathi said "Habra cad bra"
The ghost said "no but by pure science!"
Jack said "and what did they want?"
They could go out and converted a lot of gold
And sold it as they could"
Or they sold that invent
Or  gave it to the king
To be nearest as they dreamt"
Smith  said "but they refused
In fact as the natural history said"
The ghost  said "
yes in fact
They did their act
To kill the pharaoh in speed
And who stopped them!
Our kidnapped prince"
Fathi said "but how can do you know
All those knowledge
About where they could go"
The ghost said "I was told
By his name and searched
In my books about him"
Alan said "but what is the relation
Between our hero and the devil one"
The ghost said "you do not expect
And known will be appeared!" 

 صور معالم مصر الأثرية , صور الحضارة المصرية العريقه, اجمل وأروع صور لمعالم مصر السياحيه


Thursday, May 9, 2013

The secret 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "We were late " Fathi said
We must be hurried
Or they will steal the corp.
It is not good ,but worst"
Smith said "they must do their plane
To steal the prince of the ancient
Alan said "and what after that?"
at the dream they did not tell"
Jack said and laughed
"So we had to sleep
to get that dream again"
Aymn "what had you said
corps and prince
that I had thought
and it will became fact
you came to steal that corp."
They said in a same sound
"No the matter is not that
we saw a dream to save that corp.
or they will take all the world
by returning  the bad spirit
to our life to act
the bad plane and thought
but how can it be occurred?"
Fathi said "first we must hurry
or they will do their bad
plan ,it was planned"
Ayman said "my feet
Will be by your feet
And my shoulder must be beside your shoulder
And I will carry that gun
If I discover you do wrong
You will go to the past
You will be smashed as a bug
And what do you think about
Whom could be passed
to thise holy and ancient land
Without my permit! "
Alan said "first let us hurry
The time is not with us
The time will be an enemy!"
Aymn laughed and said
"that mean the time has a gun
and it will shot at the chest"
Alan said "no, the fact
is the time will help the fast
to achieve their want"
Francois said "we need a car
To carry us far
Or you will gain bad
The thieves are bad
They wanted to make us sad
And loose our world"
Ayman said "first I will ask Ghnam
to transport us on time
speed as a storm
light as a wind
spread as a lighten
or we will gain a wind"
They were moving in slow
The car seemed as an old know
Of way or even as a car
Its sound is high
As a jet plane
It moved so bad
You could hear bomb's sound
You thought a war was occurred
And you must search for a land
Save and out of look
They still moved 
Till they reached a land
Ayman called "stop now
We must go on foot
It is a land for top
Hero's and pharaohs land
We can't move by a car
We will be damned in speed
Than you expect or think "    
Smith said "but  the needs prevent the unworried
Let us complete our road by this car with speed"
Alan laughed and said "walk on foot
Faster than damned"
They walked guiding by a lighter
Till they reached to the higher
Mount of sand gathered
by wind and storm
Hanfi opened the plan
This is our aim
And here is the tomb"
They looked it was opened
The prince was not in
Smith said "we must hurry and speed"

Monday, May 6, 2013

The secret 3

مجموعة لوحات زيتية القديمة..

Every one was tied
By those old column
supported in the earth by cement
Every one was punished
Every one had been wrenched
Ayman caught a hard pliers
He tensioned the hear hard
When they cried and asked
Him to be more helpful
He laughed ,laughed till he lowed
His arm and returned with powerful
To cut off their hair from root
He looked  at Fathi and said
"Man you are not faith
You want to steal your honor
And asked me to help
For any help do you want
I will not be as you ,thief
I will not buy my honor
Even the hunger kills me sooner
How can you be eager to sell your monument
How can you live without any pain
And you dream to be reach and gain
The happiest action to you
May you think there is no government
And every weak boy does as he wants
No ,no that is wrong ,and bad thing
I will cut your head to prevent that thing
Makes you watched and think
And you are foreigners
Having all things and takes all things
You occupied my land for century
And wanted to steal our history
That is seems so happy and funny
As the revolution came with unhappy
Things occurred on my land
Makes Egypt kneeled and wanted help
But it will not be occurred
It will not be happened
He lift his hand again
He approached to Hanfi's hair
He tensioned his hair with great pain
Making Fathi jumping hard
The tears were ascended a lot
The punish had a strong root
That will gigged deepest at the heart
It made the eyes could not be closed
It makes the hair completely stood
It sent his messenger to occupied
Every inch of will be suffered
Every inch will have feared
And it will wish to be died
He stopped from crying as remembered
Their friend Salma and said
Did you remember Salma
The girl you had loved
Who lived near the sheriff
She used to put a strange nectar
To get you smell her
Did you remember her liar
When she said she is the daughter
The only daughter of the sheriff
 And she talked more about her father
And how she traveled to capital
She bought some sweets
Ayman interrupted" and when I asked
To give me some of them
She refused to respond and ate
She succeeded and became a doctor
He laughed and said "she still refused
To marry me as I want"
He looked at Hanfi face
He said you are my faith
My honest and closely friend"
He lift the pliers and approached
It to his eyes
They all cried "stop"

 مجموعة لوحات زيتية القديمة..