Friday, May 26, 2017

the train date 7 ( Maltreated woman 4)

The train passed
Had many tales
About live and love
Told about false
Told about right
It carries happy
It carried sad
But it went
Without stop
Except the station stop
She was downed
Stayed at land
For times, long or short
At the send
She was carried
Everything was calling
To get help, to save from God
To hospital and entered
Intensive care
She was guarded
He knew he might be known
His anger increased
He wanted to finish
That bad thing
As he thought
His rich friends knew
They would mock and do
Jocks about that awful
He wore as a doctor
He stole in at night
Under the carpet of night
He entered her room
Found her sleeping without movement
He got out the injection
Without wait without late
Finally, his sadness will end
His bad thoughts would be vanished
He laughed, laughed
He when he put the needle in
The nurse entered in sudden
She screamed for help
He was arrested
The nurse knew at mind
The situation is worst
She could escape her
In spite of her unconscious
She waked up at nights
She took care of hers
Till she got her conscious
Our hero thanked her
She went to work
She went to pray
When the sun raised
She cried at temple of good
She prayed to her God
And argued her God
“Why do I deserve that?
Why do you let the worst?”
She was surprised
When a hand touched hers

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