Wednesday, June 10, 2020

At your heart 15

When she learned how they dealt the victims
When she knew how they did the selfish laws
When they authorized the highest selfish

All the man kind must get dead
All that occurred as the world dealt her grandfather as rubbish
As he was born ugly, he had no fault

He was at the side of that opressed  person
But she is not satisfied to do like that
So she would get that person safe

She knew the exact time of that action
She prepared and put plan to be site
Of beating her family and get the victim been safe

She was before the exact time
When they attended to take him
She was out of her suite

She tried to walk naturally
She acted as she wanted to go to W.C
She remembered how they dealt the victims

At the past
They killed them with cold blood
They could use wild animals they grow up

To attack the victims
When the great problems at health of children
Of most nation and people
They were psychologies persons
Who were succeeded and get high rank

Her grandfather was interested at all sides of science
He could pay any amount of money
He built his under emperor with justice, science and happy

So he executor not to fail any one of these items
He put a good constitution to be followed
He put rules for the governor

He put a strong rule to prevent dictator appearance
To prevent selfish governor
As he knew the author's crown has great decorate

He made a strong men's settle
To prevent any bad apparent
And let the nation select a suitable one

He would have selected for only, and only two periods
Every period had four years
If he did and could occupy the moon land

And occupied al the world
He must be dealt as noble and got great honoring

And left the author after he completed his period
He had no right to enter again the selection
Or get close to the governor period

He must get good and great dealing
And had a good salary and food enough for him and his family
If the starving occurred, he must live as any natural one

Now she approached
She could take an apparatus who astrayed the cameras vision
From her engineering cousin

She could open the executed room
After she blinded the cameras vision
She entered and with magnetic one

She could open his manacles he was tided
He was so sad and had bad tempers
His members were vibrated

He knelt over his knees for forgiveness
She put her smooth palm of the leg over his mouth
And she ordered him to be calm and at safe

As she will be in the safe
He shouted with horror
Her two legs were covered his mouth

His sound was lowered
She opened the door
She ordered him to follow

His head was so heavy
He tended to be lowest
He put his head over the land
He burst on the waves of crying
When she ran wide
She looked behind

She found no one behind
She returned in fast
She used her strong personality

She ordered him to do as the fly
Fly over the land and not to try
To stop and did as she would guide

Or he would die
His head would be burst at great way
If he saw any offer at any side

He must follow it at speed and right
But as there is no way he must follow
Or she would burst his brain

She got out an apparatus
It was like gun in obvious
She heard attention and security alarms

She shouted, " you exposed my life to danger"

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