Sunday, June 7, 2020

At your heart 14

She read how they converted to be wild?
How her grandfather to make traps
Not to hunt wild and domesticated animals

But it converted to people
First he trapped them at all
After the reports got to the police and authorities

Now, he was feared
In spite of searching of increasing his gains
And increasing great products

He tended to the easiest way
The rapping of the civilizations
He trained his families hard

After he was surrounded
By the ugly and bad authorities
He went to be wild

Now, the killing
So she was not believing
The cultivating was new
The idea of cultivating under land

Was surly refused
But he insisted and did
He got great water

From wells and if they were having
Short distances
Now, he could get great rivers

By sweeting the salt waters
He was great scientist
But why he changed and wanted
To be great thug

He converted to be great killer
The orders were killing the monsters
He taught us everyone who walked on his legs
Is savage and has bad spirits

The bad jinn and creatures lived at themselves
We grow with these tenets
We were eager to do this

"Why I changed?"
She asked

She remembered
From an ancient and long times
There were great hunts

We used moderate transported methods
Cars and trucks
We invented it
I was in front
It was obviously families
And my nations did not only kill them
But they were amused by doing

I hate doctrine is the good right to do killing"
She remembered
He made a religion book
Describing the benefits of doing these
But I found the natural religion book
My grandfather was good reader
He had all heaven and holy books
I could read them stealthy
I hated myself"
She cried and looked at her watch
She knew the time of killing that prisoner

She swore to save anyone when she could
And she would do at speed"

The moment would be nearest



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