Friday, October 11, 2024

where cat goes " where cat goes at Gaza" 2 a


All parts were destroyed

 I was up by crying and whispering sound beside me. She was a little girl. I tried to hurt her as I thought she was an enemy. She moved wide. When I returned my balance, I told her “I am sorry” I hugged her. I considered her as my sister. I asked her to go away for moments until I gathered my father’s body and buried him.  She tensioned me and pushed me aside, as she noticed the planes of Israel coming and shooting everywhere. We hid in some ruins buildings. She took me to her ruined tent. I found her family was completely killed. Her family’s bodies were cut in parts.  She could not talk from this shock; she moved her fingers and hands to express what she wanted. She asked me to stand beside her till she urinated and defecated.

I told her that I would go to search for my cat; she screamed and moved her hand to stand beside her. I do not like this sort of life as it is personal sense. I stood by her, but I gave her my back. I heard her abdomen move as she had diarrhea. My abdomen moved also, I defecated also but a little wide of her. My

Abdomen hurt me so, that I could hardly stand after finishing.

I called at my cat she came with complete fear appearing on her whole body. She did not even jump as she was so weak and hungry at her abdomen. I hardly bowed to catch her who tried to escape but she failed.

I caught my new sister in hope and pointed to search for food and water between these killed people. I told her I was afraid and so frightened.

She answered by moving her hands and fingers, she was also, but 

We had to continue our walk.

We walked through corpses; the scenes were awful, and we had to get out the juice of our empty stomachs. I cried, but she kept her temper and still searched for food and water. We found some but it was covered with blood and sand; we had to get it clear by getting the sand away as we could, and we couldn’t eat the food mixed with blood at first. When I wanted to throw it she shouted at me and ordered me not to do. As we, my new sister, my cat, and me, were still hungry and there was no food except that which was mixed by the blood of killed persons or sands, we had to eat. We hardly ate it as there was no food and tried to forget what it was. Some time we extract what we ate, but we use this food as we can’t find another

When we tried to leave, the two big dogs belonging to the wild Israel army came before us. I knew them as the Israeli military wore them as their soldiers.

They stood in front of us in this ruined place. They barked loudly, 

the e book on""

for woman beauty ""

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