Thursday, October 17, 2024

purquoi? porqoui ? 3b from e book at amazone


Chapter 7

They don’t have any motion

Until the jinn moved

Towards the princess’s jail


When he tried to open

The silence converted into noisiness

The peace converted into combat

The bad battle began

Everyone wanted to prove that

He was braver than anyone

They attacked each other

The war was dangerous and killer

He thought and cried

He regretted that

But with his fortunate

One approached

He saw his back

He knew he struggled 

As he hardly moved

Step aside or forward

He thought in speed

Our hero tied the jinn’s hair

To the door of the jail

He tied it strong

When the jinn moved

As he remarked moving his enemy

The door opened so easy

Our hero moved speedy

He looked around

As he didn’t believe that

When he saw the big spark coming

He bowed and hid

The other moving was toward the princess

Looking at her elegance

Trying to fill his eyes with loveliness

As he was saying in words

That he might not return

Our hero climbed one road

He became higher than

That nearest one

He jumped over his head

He caught the head‘s hair

He was in trouble

What would he act?

He sang a song

Telling about the proud

When the jinn heard that

Blew his chest with a lot

Of air as he tried to prove

He is the strongest

The hero told him

To open the jail without remarking

As one looked

He might be killed

The jinn did it fast

He took off the iron in a speed

As he took off the stubble

He tried to carry her

Over his big hand

The princess was carried

As she had a deep sleep

He tried to wake her up

Our hero screamed at loud

Saying at the highest sound

“Look, look at” 



The big spark was thrown

Toward his head

The jinn bowed

When he got up

The hero climbed up

Towards the jinn’s ear

He put the iron in

The jinni was annoyed hard

He jumped up

The hero got out

For his luck

He did not hurt

As he fell onto land

Covering with an amount of soft

He moved towards her

He didn’t take her hand

Despite her loud

Argument and demand

She cried hard

She talked with pearl tears

Ascended a lot

She said a loud

‘’All faith is dead

No one has honest”

He looked with a smile

He said a loud

“No, honesty is still

Alive and found”

The jinni saw him

He came and bowed

To caught him

The man stood

And waited

The jinni got sure

He caught him

He put the princes down

The man was hid

Under the straw

The jinni became anger

He searched everywhere

He lifted some piles

He found nothing

His anger was increased

He lifted everything

Trying to find

The hero was behind him

He jumped over his back

In a hurry and speed

He still tied the Iron road

Beside his side

When he reached his head

He put the iron in his ear

The hero pushed the iron hard

The jinni tried to push the rod

The hero jumped down

He caught the jinni's hair

That was long and tall

It wasn't long till his back

He tied it in speed

To the door’s prison

The jinni tried to push the road

Which was dug

He got it out

He felt great pain

He jumped up

The door was separated

The princess was downed

The hero jumped

He took the princess's hand

She cried happy

She closed his mouth

He could hide

They were under the straw

The jinn were in a struggle

The man and princess could hide

Till the jinn fell in tired

He surely thought that

They were hurt

They got slept

The princess and the hero could get out

They smelt the freedom wind

The nation saluted them

They became very happy

The princess was in the war room

The hero was chosen

To be his honest leader


for woman beauty "

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