Tuesday, October 15, 2024

pourqui? pourqui? 2 from e book "pourqui?"



Chapter 3

Pourqui? Pourqui?

Parce que

Our love is so clear

We may not ask for porn      

Sex is not our demands                     

Essentially demands

 But to see you                                         


And your cheeks become rosy                                            

And you look at life                               

Green and we dive

At seas of happy  

Pourquoi? Pourquoi?

Pourquoi  je time

The time with you evaporated

It can’t be calculated

It is not considered

It is not counted


When my eyes gazed                              

When my eyes looked

They kept you

They closed

The eyelashes were the strongest

Iron and solid

To keep you at

Without running and escape

Pourqui Je t’aime?

The world was covered by green

The birds sang 




The trees danced                         

The flowers shined

The sun gets bright

The moon gets circled

The stars surrounded

As the jewels surrounded yours neck

I become in puzzle

Which is jewel

The marble or your neck



I forget everything                        

I forget my name

And remembered only one thing

Your name

Pourqui Je t’aime?

I saw the world laughing

I saw the time fine                                                                     

I saw the water flowing

Easy with light-striking

Of fresh waves moving

If I look at the sky

I saw clouds writing your name

And the light aiming

To your face

I see the sun decreases

It lights up when it sees

You as it fears

You are brighter than its

Pourqui, Pourquoi?

They said to him

Why do you love her?

He said in short

Can plants live without water?

Can flies fly without air?

Can you see roses without admiration?

Can you smell good without feeling

With happy in deep?

Can the heart pump without sharing?

Every limb in the body to make sure

Life will not go without her”



There was a princess

A soldier loved in confidence

That he will not tell her

She will certainly refuse and dismiss

Or send him far without a late

The king was going

To face the enemy coming

To occupy his land

The soldiers stood

The king trained hard

As he knew the enemy was strong

The battle began

The king fought well

The winds did not blow up

As the ships desire to go

The king was beaten

The king was gone

He was dead, he was killed

The soldiers returned with a taste

The taste was acrid

They were torn

Their selves were torn

Also their clothes

They lost everything

She was a ghost

She met him

She caught and shook

She cried and said

“Save my kingdom

Save my soul”

He bowed and agreed

He hid somewhere

He collected the rest

He cried and said

The princess became a slave

We must make her save

We will swear at that

To return her freedom”

They agreed and started

They collected and attacked

They fought as one heart

They fought as one heard

He was in front

He said he talked

To the soul that coming

Of king and telling

‘’Fight my sons as solid

Fight more than you could!

Our kingdom must be free”

The soldiers got ready

When the sun raised

The enemy walked straight

Toward the kingdom to occupy

The soldiers downed

They waited to tell the hot

Of weather spread its wings

The sweat ascended

More than the rain coming


Pourquoi? Pourquoi?

The soldier became the leader

The soldier was responsible

He could be able

To return to the matter

Which had been lost

And ordered the armed

Which had differed

He might save

The lovely slave

Who had been broken heart

She lost her king

Her father was her demand

She lost her freedom


Her kingdom was gone                                     

Get up my nation

Get up and be at one

Heart and one hand

Open your chest

To face even dead

Without run or escape

The bad is the situation

Get up and don’t get

Slept or had rest"

The enemy celebrated

What had gone?

The love changed him

It made his heart kind

About hers

And hard to them

He attacked

He went forward

He mocked and ascended

The enemy was the strongest

They fought hard

They fought in strong

The time was nearest

To be at the end

The soldier saw the situation

The bad surrounded his nation

He screamed and attacked

He was like a rock

Aimed toward the land,

Get it vibrated

Makes big hollow in the solid

Could not be imagined or looked

He screamed at loud

His nation got up

As the sleeper woke up

As the blind returned to look

As the dead returned after having been buried

What made the difference?

The love made that

The enemy was gone

No, no there is a big thing

There is an important thing

Then get victory and beat

The bad and the luck

He ran, ran after, fast

Moving arrows moving sword

Looking for the most important one

Looking for the honor

Not to be downed

Not to be mixed with sand

At last, he knew the fact

She was in the solid

Palace surrounded by hard

Locks and iron in solid

The jinn were also guards

If one attacked

He would be smashed

Or burned or killed

the princess ret urns her lost kingdom..   "https://sites.google.com/view/read-book-bravely-/home"

for woman beauty "https://sites.google.com/view/beauty-women-accessories/home


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