Wednesday, October 9, 2024

where cat goes " where cat goes at Gaza" 2


On the following day, he gathered dried trunks dragged them, and made a circle of them. He put a dead sheep in the center. The wolves came and struggled with each other to get this victim. He waited till the wolves got inside this circle as he was in. he fired the trunks at a moment escaped, and clamped the high tree where he put the bow and spear. When one wolf approached he aimed it. He killed a lot.

The residuals were burning, and the road became safe.

I told my father that no one can help us except God and then us.

He cried and said,” The entire world stands against us

As we ask for freedom

 Our freedom is so worth

Of our souls to sacrifice

The world wheel will not return

Our rights will return

Even the whole world accept

Or not”

We had to move south to Rafah City. As the liar Israel army told us. We walk hand in hand and the sadness and fear cover our bodies, minds, and thoughts. More than that, Father insisted on letting the cat away and gave it to another person as she had a devil’s spirit in his opinion. I cried a lot not for that reason only but I remembered my mum as she persuaded or forced my dad to accept that dad by the special way by women to persuade or threaten their husbands.

As I cried a lot my father let me take her again. We were suffering from decreasing, water, food, and rest. We had to walk most of the day and get some rest at night. We walked in groups


To fight any wild animals like wild dogs or foxes even if they were rare. We tried to walk wide of the building as the Israeli army did and did as the wolf, said a word and did another word. Israel is a big liar. I wondered why the US army and Western Europe helped it in spite of it was injustice army. My dad told me when the victims are weak, more wolves gather around them to eat.

We had to rest beside a road as the night covered the area. When I slept, I cried a lot myself. Father noticed he had got old clothes and wiped my tears as we did not have tissue paper.

Suddenly, we heard tanks move, I remembered their sounds, as I remembered the torn corpses were killed by the criminal Israel army. You can see heads without bodies, bodies torn, abdomens were ruined, or heads were explosions. You could step over eyes, tongues ears, or small limbs. The scenes were very brutal more than the game I played, or terror films of Hollywood

When my father heard about those monsters and, wild tanks, he holds

I thought I was so strong to protect myself, the sounds of tanks approached and then the tent was damaged as the tank moved through it at speed. My father threw me away, while the tank smashed my Father’s body. He could not even scream or witness before he died. As the Muslim one before dying, he says”. I bear witness there was no God except Allah and I beat witness Mohamad is the prophet of Allah “I saw his body was ruptured. His head was exploded. His abdomen was torn. I could not even cry as I saw the tank move towards me.  I stood as I wished it had taken and done with me as it had done with my father. In seconds, my mind told me, that my father wanted me to be alive to complete his role and do what he could not do as his responsibility in life. He wanted to fight these enemies. I rolled aside and hid in some destroyed blocks, the tanks passed beside me, they might smash me as they were so near. My heart was filled with fear, my body trembled, and they moved away. I heard whines and crying beside me. I heard high screams and prayed for God on this night to destroy Israel and took it from its whole life,

 And took the USA also. They prayed to destroy every injustice

Authors of the Islamic states or the Arab states who heard this bad news and did not move the situation or appeared their anger. I was crying and trembling as I had seen. I could find the mobile of my dad and flashed its light. I fell unconscious, as I saw the torn body of my dad. He did not any complete parts.

All parts were destroyed

 I was up by crying and whispering sound beside me. She was a little girl. I tried to hurt her as I thought she was an enemy. She moved wide. When I returned my balance, I told her “I am sorry” I hugged her. I considered her as my sister. I asked her to go away for moments until I gathered my father’s body and buried him.  She tensioned me and pushed me aside, as she noticed the planes of Israel coming and shooting everywhere. We hid in some ruins buildings. She took me to her ruined tent. I found her family was completely killed. Her family’s bodies were cut in parts.  She could not talk from this shock; she moved her fingers and hands to express what she wanted. She asked me to stand beside her till she urinated and defecated.

I told her that I would go to search for my cat; she screamed and moved her hand to stand beside her. I do not like this sort of life as it is personal sense. I stood by her, but I gave her my back. I heard her abdomen move as she had diarrhea. My abdomen moved also, I defecated also but a little wide of her. My

Abdomen hurt me so, that I could hardly stand after finishing.

to be followed


the e book on""

for woman beauty ""

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