Monday, March 30, 2020

The God prevents you from the people 4

To return his safe
He was saved
He thanked her
He invited her husband
Who saw what is happened
He got great honor
The king gave him slave woman
She was called "Hager"
Hager was a princess
Her name means leaving any worst
Leaving any hate and bringing the kind
It means it leaves the bad habits
It has good characters
She was ready to be married
Her great wedding dress was getting

The address was prepared
By the gold finger of the famous old fashion one
The celebration was ready to prepared
The food was brought from the famous cultivated lands
From the east and the west and out of Egypt
The old famous garden in Egypt gave every fruit
To decorate the celebration of the cutest
She was not dancing for the wedding
But also she be the leader of the most Egyptian women
Who would imitate her
Get any consult of any thing

She borrowed them from the great library
At her governor which is beauty
She travelled also to Tiba
It is called now "luxor"
The ancient capital of the ancient Egypt
She saw the great temples
Monuments and the statues
She travelled to the north capital of the glory
Of the advanced land
She learnt about the great industry
Of the most advanced knowning
All over the world at that time
Textile and diamond making
The jewelers making for every layer of the people
Jewelers for pharaoh and for his assistances
  For her wives and her daughters
Pharaohs did not take any beloved women
In spite of ancient laws those were known
As he was so respected all over land
In addition, he could marry more than one at any moment
Ancient Egyptian loved to make the social habits
Under light without any hollow things
Without things these decrease the respecting

She learned also how to make the gold
How to trade in the seed and the gold,
The good military rules;
The tactics of draw and attack
She learned how to cultivate the land
For small or the great part
She also learned how she grew animals and birds
How she grew sheep, cows, and dears

How she could take care of the birds
As she will be as a consult for all people
At her governor
And who would know?
She might be the queen of pharaoh
If the accelerated of the life go with its wind

But the winds may blow against the wishes
Hyksos attacked the ancient Egypt
Their forces were not so tidy
Their forces were not so arranged
Their manners were no so good
But they had to attack
As the thirsty attacked
As the hunger got out its wildness
They attacked to distinguish the light
To bow the great land
To get it smashed and vanished
They tried to spread their habits
But the strong Egypt bowed their power
They had to learn the habits of its nation
And they did
The king sent his men
 To get every beautiful woman
To take her as his beloved
For him or for the men of the palace
Or to be an amusement one for the military forces
They brought "Hager"
They hardly could arrest her
She was brought to the king's palace

The forces of hexoses attacked the governor Elamnia
The attacks from every where
The arrows were fallen as the rains
They were fallen at every spam
They could kill woman, child and man
The killed was at everywhere
The terror was busy at every mind
Which became absent or wide
As it saw the murder was occurred at every atom
The crying of mercy got increased
The blood covered the face of the holy river
The Nile

The pharaoh forces were completely beaten
In spite of their appearance and the amounts
As the leader was busy with his desires
Playing, hunting and loved girls to marry
He was not doing as his greatest governors
He aimed his eyes only to his wishes
He did not even order to train the armed forces
He did not choose the clever persons
He did not prepare or listen to the spies
Who told him that there would be an attack
He was not so ready
The pharaoh was killed
Every governor was fallen
That is the result who was wide of the fact
The crisis was downed

Elmania was surrounded
As the other lands of holy Egypt
The tears cried a lot
The sadness was at every thing
Land, water and the air
The problem was so huge


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