Friday, March 13, 2020

The cocky girl 14

They tied the two men at the trunk of the tree and went to the high way speed street.
The girl said," there is another compete. we can see who could stop these speediest cars?"
The boy said," Of course, me?'
The youth girl laughed and said," let us say!"
The boy said, "I will show you!"
The girl said," I will hide and do and sign to these speedy car!"
The boy stood at the side and sign every sign he knew and did what he might know. he waved as one who wiped glass for cleaning, waving his two hands. He failed. No speedy car stopped for him.
He was frustrating.
The girls appeared with great laughter and said with pet laughing and said, ' be away, I will show you."
She made one of her arms' t-shirt up and stood aside. Her arm appeared so beautiful and white like it may have the sun or it reflected its ray. Her color was white and contained some red color as the precious stone.
When she signed more than two cars stopped and followed by others. She winked to the boy.  
Who got angry and chose one car but she refused and chose another one.
They got on. The driver tried to flirt her. The boy looked angry and tried to remind him that he was there. He reminded him that he drove in dangerous road that demands open eyes and high concentrated mind.
The man shouted to him to stop and complete his flirt.
When she talked about the life and the faith and the god. When she told about those four youth people who had a date with four girls and women. Everything was ready except the wine. So they went aside to buy it. They drove the car at very speed as they had no patient. They turn on some music apparatus. They dance on the music. They forgot the road, the speedy a moment, a drunk driver who drove a trunk was tended said as he lost his concentration. The other side was there the youth men and the crash occurred.
The driver stopped his car suddenly. The man was old. He looked like who returned his mind. He mentioned his God a lot and kiss the boy's hand and asking from the girl to forget him. She said, "do not worry my uncle."
The man said," our driving job is so worst. we meet several people and we could not believe who they are. Last month, my friend met so wonderful woman. She was so smart. She used all make up you imagine. She put a high spread smell. She gave my friend money to meet him. She said that she loved him as he was honest and smart. She wanted to marry him and introduce him to her family. So he took this money to buy a high-value present and buy a good and well-made suit as her family was rich. He came with his relative a brother and friend. They sat on a great hall at great palace. The lady was in and her relatives, her father, mother and brother as she said. They talked a lot and prepared all things to marry. The father of the lady invited them to show the new film on the following week and brought their family. Her brother insisted to take one of them to transport him to his home while her father take the addresses of the other to get a high-rank car to move them to the high rank cinema. On the exact day, all three men with all the family was moved to the cinema. They sat with her and her family with great happiness. My friend was getting as he dreamed in flying at the sky and did not concentrate at the film and what going on it! He dreamt he will marry that and moved to the place or even moved to ANOTHER LIKE IT.
HE DREAMT THAT HE WILL PUT ON THE ROPE AND SMOKE CIGAR AND HAVE A fleet of high speed and precious cars. He dreamt he will travel abroad and saw all the world. He dreamt …but a sudden call was heard. The film was over. The three precious cars were moved. For the true and exact plan that was made by an expert. The three families reached their building at the same hour, minute, second and even less than second.
When they open their homes they found it on land without any furniture and all things were stolen. Their cars which was parking beside the building were having the same luck. They called the police.
When the police asked for the palace, his owner said that, that is a private company rent it for a month to do some important work and they end the contract yesterday as their work had end and they did not need that palace. They gave him a good money."
The boy laughed and said, "We must not be deceived with the appearances of anyone."
The girl said, " we must be confident in ourselves and be happy with our fact.

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