Sunday, March 15, 2020

The cocky girl 15

 They reached the nearest point where they could get a bus to the boy's home. When the boy entered, the father's boy shouted to his son.
She stood aside. The man hurt his boy and shouted at him. He said between his speech, "why don't you go to the school?"
The boy tried to get reasons to get free from the punishment of his father. The boy's nerve increased and tried to get the boy silent from screaming.
The youth girl appeared and tried to get be calm. The man increased and tried to punish her. She bowed and avoided his punishment. His pride increased and tried to prove his manhood against her. She could avoid his strike again. He got very angry and got great and long wood and went to strike her. She told the boy she would prevent his punishment and might get her harm. She argued the boy not to be sad and angry of her. The man approached and lifted the wooden piece up over her head. One thought that the head of that girl would be divided.
The girl with a sudden and magic movement got safe herself. She was in a position to hurt the man. She could take the piece of his hand and she hurt him at his leg.
He was donned and the girl stood and the girl lifted the piece up and tried to hurt him. The boy screamed and asked her to stop. The girl let the wooden piece aside and set aside. She said between her running breath," I am sorry, for this bad appointment. But I had to save my friend"
The man shouted," who? You are older than him"
The girl said, "Then consider him my brother."
The man said, "How? I am not your father and his mother dead since years and she had not married anyone except me."
The girl said in shouting, "consider, I said consider!"
The boy looked to his boy who did not talk any word or say a daughter of his lips.
The man said," so, sister or daughter of mine, tell me why did not he go to school?"
The girl looked angrily to the boy and said,'' why did not you go to school?"
The boy did not talk.
The girl told a comment and said, "that is a bad situation. If you would like to be as your father, you must go to school"
The boy laughed and the man increased his angry. the girl said in kindly face and voice," did I say a wrong word?"
The boy said," my father had no learn as he, he …."
The girl said," tell, what?"
The man tried to close his son's mouth but the boy talked in speed," he did not have any learn degree as he got out of the school early and work in a mechanical shop"
The girl laughed and the man stroke his son's face
The girl said," I am sorry!"
The man looked at her angrily and said, "you laughed at me and mocked at ne"
The girl apologized and said incorrect her speech, "if you want a valuable to be a famous scientist you must study hard and go to school continuously!'
The man was calm and listened.
The girl completed," if you want to be a good player you must train hard"
The man got angrily again.
The girl corrected her speech," you must go to school continuously"
The man anger increased

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