Friday, March 17, 2017

Pourqui? Pourqui? 3d

She completed the message
With horror governed hers
She red in temple tempers
“I love you from heart
I love you truly not false
 I would leave you
Choosing what you want
Without shame
Or feel of guilt
Or annoying of conscious
That might get
Forgive my lovely
You are my honey
Who I lived for
I gave you the lovely
Part of my body”
The soldier put the knife
Hard at his chest
He dug, dug hard
With crying and arguments
Of all attendants
The others tried to prevent
The princess completed and red
At loud without wait
“let him doing
I made the doing
 I planned it more
He refused to do
He is the closest one
I gave you what it is value
For me and for you
 If I guess and know”
The soldier got the heart out
It covered with blood
He gave her in hand
She completed and red
“forgive me my love
Forgive any guilt
Or any pain I caused
I confuse I was late
To save you from your jill”
She ended it
She fell to land
When she was up she ordered to kill that one
Who killed his honest one she loved?
Not only from heart
Every span of hers
Loved him and called
The love is not only
Meeting by each body
Love means making your lovely happy
When your love is happy
Your heat must be happy
When your love is sad
You must be sad
The world gets its green
The birds sing songs
And make harmony songs
The angels appear in white
When the hearts are white
At that
The devils are out
Dangerous is hate
Dangerous is own
To own who you love
And the other does not love
You must know
The love is sacrifice
The love makes the world wise
And your home becomes palace
The nest gets comfort
Than you live in estate
The world gets green
The food gets enough
The hard gets easy
The winter becomes lovely
As it converted to be
That is not the end
Her photo catching his
Drawing in temple
Showing the deathless
Love for ever

The end  

 My books at amazone are "Playing With Ghosts'' ASIN: B01KKEFXN4

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Pourqui?, pourqui? 2d

She cried hard
She talked with pearl tears
Ascended a lot
She said at loud
‘’All faith are dead
No one has honest”
He looked with smile
He said at loud
“No, honest is still
Alive and found”
The jinn saw him
He came and bowed
To caught him
The man stood
And waited
The jinn got sure
He caught him
He put the princes down
The  man was hided
Under the straw
The jinn became anger
He searched everywhere
He lifted some piles
He found nothing
His anger increased
He lifted every thing
Trying to found
The hero was behind him
He jumped over his back
In hurry and speed
He still tied the iron road
Beside his side
When he reached his head
He put the iron in his ear
The hero pushed the iron hard
The jinn tried to push the rod
The hero jumped down
He caught the jinn hair
That was long and tall
It was belonging to his back
He tied it speed
To the door’s prison
The jinn tried to push the road
Which was dug
He got it out
He felt with great pain
He jumped up
The door was separated
The hero jumped
He took the princess hand
She cried with happy
He closed his mouth
He could hide
They were under the straw
The jinn were in struggle
The man and princess could hide
Till the jinn fell in tired
He surely thought that
They were hurt
They could get out
They smelt the freedom wind
The nation saluted them
They became very happy
The princes in war room
The hero was chosen
To be his honest leader
The hero gave her a message
It contained’
Dear lovely princes
My power gets from Your elegance
I am happy to be with you’’
The hero looked at a soldier
The soldier was surprise
Put the sword ta the heart
The princes and soldier caught him
The hero before his dead
Saying with hardly talk
Let him and complete!”

 My books at amazone are "Playing With Ghosts'' ASIN: B01KKEFXN4

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Pourqui? Pourqui? "d 1

He looked amazing
He looked downing
He said at loud
It is obvious that
He talked to himself
He though prodigious
He thought at loud
Not only that
He struggled with himself
He looked towards ceiling
He looked to the land
He shuttered in words in speed
He looked toward his nation
He moved with motion
He said at loud
Our hero thought that
The land vibrated
He caught the iron
The jinn approached to his friends
He talked to them
“o! this is my lovely
And I will marry her
If you accept or do not”
They looked at each other
It seemed they don’t believe the speaker
They looked in silent
They looked as statues
They don’t have any motion
Till the jinn moved
Towards the princess’s jail
When he tried to open
The silence converted into noisiness
The peace converted into combat
The bad battle began
Everyone wanted to prove that
He was brave than anyone
They attacked each other
The war was dangerous and killer
He thought and cried
He regretted for that
But with his fortunate
One approached
He saw his back
He knew he struggled as he hardly moved
Step aside or forward
He thought in speed
Our hero tied the jinn’s hair
To the door of the jail
He tied it strong
When the jinn moved
As he could move his enemy
The door opened so easy
Our hero moved speedy
He looked around
As he didn’t believe that
When he saw the big spark coming
He bowed and hid
The other moved toward the princess
Looked at her elegance
Trying to fill his eyes from loveliness
As he saying in words
That he might not return
Our hero climbed one road
He became higher than
That nearest one
He jumped over his head
He caught the head ‘s hair
He was in trouble
What would he act?
He sang a song
Telling about the proud
When the jinn heard that
Blew his chest with a lot
Of air as he tried to prove
He is the strongest
The hero told him
To open the jail without remarking
As one looked
He might be killed
The jinn did in fast
He took off the iron in speed
As he took of the stubble
He tried to carry her
Over his big hand
The princess was carried
As she had deep sleep
He tried to wake her up
Our hero screamed loud
Saying at highest sound
“Look, look at”
The big spark was thrown
Toward his head
The jinn bowed
When he got up
The hero climbed up
Towards the jinn’s ear
He put the iron in
The jinn was annoyed hard
He jumped up
The hero was gotten out
For his luck
He did not hurt
As he was fallen at land
Covering with amount of soft
He moved towards her
He didn’t take her hand
In spite of her loud
Argument and demand


 My books at amazone are "Playing With Ghosts'' ASIN: B01KKEFXN4

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Pourqui? Pourqui? d

He looked forward
He felt with under dog
He wiped his eyes
His tears were almost ascended
He hardly could control them
He sat on his legs
Lifting his head
He bowed it
He remembered his fate
Why did she choose him?
No, he couldn’t look beyond
His eyes were downed
He remembered his lover
Why did she choose him?
The situation is difficult
He prayed to God
Not to save him
But only get her saved
He cried a look
He heard her talking
He looked towards hers
He got his courage from hers
He looked with hope
He asked hi God
He swear with his
To get her freedom
He looked at them
The jinn were gathered
They talked loudly
He felt that the land vibrated
He couldn’t hear anything
As their sounds were loud
He called at nearest
He asked with concentrated
“Who loved her?
The nearest jinn said at loud
Making him feel as he got up
Jumped up, up
He thought his head
Would touch the highest ceiling
The jinn said in anger,”
I loved her honestly’’
Our hero advised him
To tell them with that
As his princess loved the courage
Knight who will protect her
The jinn approached
Saying with low sound
“I will  kidnap her
And fly away
No one could catch me
As I am the bravest one”
The hero said,” no, no you will look
As coward one
Who fell in her respect?
And she will not give  
What you want?
Her heart
He looked amazing
He said in hesitating
“but she was married
And she loved him”
The hero said,
‘no,she hated
So, she didn’t become sad
As he was dead”
He looked with wide eyes
Big as the mouth of volcano
He tended his head left
Then he lifted it up
The balls of his eyes
Ascended at the end
Of his eyes holes
He tended his head right
That was huge as the big cloud
Carries by strongest wind
He screamed at loud
 And Said some words.  

 My books at amazone are "Playing With Ghosts'' ASIN: B01KKEFXN4

Monday, March 6, 2017

Pourqui? Pourqui? 2c

The king decided to kill him
The king was so anger
He focused his eyes
His eyes became wide
Like ocean without beyond
Shores shown beyond
Any eyes seen at horizon
They popped out
They seemed as long pipes
They sparkled with glances
They got big fires
They got strong lights
Took the sight from eyes
Our hero looked fear
His limbs vibrated
All jinn laughed
Our hero collected himself
He controlled his appearance
He said, “If I killed
With honor
Makes my nation proud
I must control that “
He got very brave
He looked at the jinn
He saw the light coming out
He closed his eyes in fast
He put the polish shield
In front of his face
To protect himself
That occasionally acted
Reflected the light act
Making the king blind
All attendants bowed
They said viva our boss
They lifted our hero up
He did not believe himself
He ordered them to go
They did
He ordered them to go
Left they obeyed
He became confident
If he ordered they would do
So he was in speed
He ordered to get the princess out
They looked him with anger
They said at one sound
We love her much
Over any one else
They jailed him in jail
Beside her and gathered
To think how he would be killed?

 My books at amazone are "Playing With Ghosts'' ASIN: B01KKEFXN4

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Pourqui?,pourqui? 2b

He looked forward,
He talked to himself
He collected his soldiers
Telling him the fact
No one answered him
He wanted their help
All became coward
He stepped forward
The sun was absent
He thought she did
As his nation did
It became coward
He moved around
He thought more times
He waited till the morning
When the sun appeared
He smiled at her
He asked one demand
He asked his God
To help and give his hand
He moved forward
Hide as he could
But who could hide
From bad jinn
They had big wide
They had opened eye
They had a best sense
Knowing what is moved
And got it at a blink
They surrounded him
They took him
One said he had to do
He deliberated it
He faced the boss
The boss had fear face
And sound made things
Vibrated and flew
Our hero was not fear
He faced him with fair
Strong and brave heart
The boss laughed
Saying with mock
“Who dare to put
His foot over my land?!”
He said with loud”
Your land contained the most
Important and lovely one
It contained the rose
Which took our celebrate
When she was jailed
She took good luck
Converted our warm
To be cold
She took the light
The dark said his word
To return our happy
Return her fast”
He said,” What do you want?”
Our hero said in clear”
Dear majesty
Please, return it and don’t fair
We will maintain your fair
Our princess you jail”
He screamed” No”
He aimed to the wind
It carried him up
He ordered the luggage
To strike him up
When our hero downed
The Jinn’s king ordered
The light
To attack him in rust
He did one thing!

 My books at amazone are "Playing With Ghosts'' ASIN: B01KKEFXN4

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Pourqui? Pourqui? 1b

Pourqui? Pourqui?
The soldier became leader
The soldier had responsible
He could be able
To return the matter
Which had been lost
And order the armed
Which had differed
He might save
The lovely slave
Who had broken heart
She lost her king
Her father was her demand
She lost her freedom
Her kingdom was gone
Get up my nation
Get up and be at one
Heart and one hand
Open your chest
To face even dead
Without run or escape
The bad is the situation
Get up and don’t get
Slept or had rest"
The enemy celebrated
What had gone?
The love changed him
It made his heart kind
About hers
And hard to them
He attacked
He went forward
He mocked and ascended
The enemy was strongest
They fought with hard
They fought in strong
The time was nearest
To be at the end
The soldier saw the situation
The bad surrounded his nation
He screamed and attacked
He was like a rock
Aimed toward the land,
Get it vibrated
Made big hollow in the solid
Could not be imagined or looked
He screamed at loud
His nation got up
As the sleeper waked up
As the blind returned to look
As the dead returned after having buried
What made the differed?
The love made that
The enemy were gone
No, no there is big thing
There is important thing
Than get victory and beat
The bad and the luck
He ran, ran after, fast
Moving arrows moving sword
Looking for the most important one
Looking for the honor
To be downed
To be mixed with sand
At last he knew the fact
She was in the solid
Palace surrounded with hard
Locks and iron in solid
The jinn were also guards
If one attacked
He would be smashed
Or burned or killed
He tried to get her freedom
The heart asked that
Who would come?
No one answered
All had feared

  My books at amazone are "Playing With Ghosts'' ASIN: B01KKEFXN4