The time is passed
Yes, yes the time is passed
Who could stop it?
One said I would catch it
I would take the train
The train is fast
But shame it went
Second said by a plane
It flies high and up
It speed is faster
It changes the matter
But shame it went
The time is fastest
Third said the rocket
It cut the world
In minutes and seconds
But shame it is fastest
The time is so fast
Passed and traveled as a wind
It can't be noticed
The time changes all creatures
The young got old
The beauty changes to be out
Of dream and thought
The time makes the fast slow
It got the alive to be dead
The reminder may be evaporated
To look to hope
The time is not bad
To catch it
You must obey your God
You will mentioned every second
And your life will be extended
Even after you get dead
They will say
That man did well
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