Wednesday, January 15, 2014

your God

Feed your God
How can I do that?
He is my God
When you see the hungry one
And feed that man
You will find the God  
He gives his hand
And blesses your act  
Wear your God
How can I do that?
He is my God
If you see a naked
And cover that man
You will find the God
He gives his hand
And blesses your act  
Visit your God
How can I do that?
He is my God
When you see a sick
And visit that man
You will find your God
He gives his hand
And blesses your act  
Help the weak
Cover the naked
Visit the sick
Feed the hunger
You will find the god
Give you his hand
Give you the glory
Give you the happy
The world thanks only one
The history mention only one
The good one
The best one
Who spreads the happy
Who makes the world
Does not feel with sorry
That he has one like that
Hates the welfare
Hates every good
I am fear that
Himself was hated
By one, he must hate it
Surely, he hates it

The prophet said "by his mean": the god said" my slave "means the man" I has a sick and you didn't visit me "
The man said "how can you have a sick and you are the God of the world?!"
The god said "you didn't hear that man has ill and you didn't visit him "if you visit him ,you will find that at me there i.e. "my bless will touch you"
The god said "I was hungry and you didn't feed me ?"
The man said "how can I do that and you are the God of the world"
The god said "you hear that man was hungry and you didn't feed him. If you feed him ,you will find that at me there.
The god said "I was thirsty and you didn't drink me ?"
The man said "how can I did that and you are the god of the world?"
The god said "did you hear that man is hungry and you didn't drink him .
If you drink him you will find that by me."

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