Thursday, December 13, 2012

Before the sun set

Before the sun set
He came near to the tomb
He cried ,cried much
And talked for a long
Or short time and went
Everyday he did that
Till he didn't visit yet
They asked about him
The guard would go
To ask him and know
Why he was absent?
He found him very ill
He said with weak sound
I will be very well
As the death became near
The physician said that
To my servant in secret
But I have remarked
My life  was counted for moments
Days for high expect
You want to know my visit
It was for my wife
She tried to be happy
When I was happy 
And she appeared sad
When I was sad
She bore my hit
To her without respond
After every hurt
She tried to change my mood
I shouted at her ,shouted
My sound was very aloud
You are stupid
If you will be dead
My life will be good
I pray to my God
To get you dead
Suddenly she had sick
I called the physician
He said she got dead
At nearest and little moments
After while she was dead
I thought at my heart
I will be vey happy
I will invite that blonde
At my home for love
I thought my time
Will be so enough
To play ,to read , to visit
To see porn site
It went well for time
Then I lost her sound
I found the flat is wide
I lost her look with kind
I lost her good smile
I lost her music sound
I hit my head hurt
At wall till I lied
After while  I got up
I wished and prayed God
To forgive my fault
I went to her tomb
Crying, crying to regret
I prayed for my God
To get her at heaven
With angels and good
Persons who deserved
Actually to be at high rank
To get their deserved work
Their work is good
I asked her to forgive
My wrong act and fault
If the fate will make
She returned indeed
I swear to make her princess
I will her faith
But the lost water evaporated
The river went for a long
And can't return its road
The is actually passed
Whose hero can return it
I happy to get dead
Soon as I get my demand
To see her brilliant
To gaze at her smart
And will be closed  servant
I pray to be nearest
As her shadow if indeed
The death had actually it
Then he cried for long
His tears descended a lot
I bit his shoulder slight
But he stopped at moment
I thought he got rest
I tried to talk
With him
But he got silent
For long than expect
He got his demand
He stayed without
He called at last dead

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