He completed,” last, we were going to hear from religion men
and the men who had angel voices. My
grandfather was going to hear at the boss’ house especially at “Ramadan's
month. We heard that talking or the reading of Holy Quran and returned. The
horse who heard that returned and told everyone that speech. Some of us got
believed of that other didn’t. Once, one
talked about the mercy of the prophet!
Then he completed,” Once, a camel approached to the prophet.
He complained from his owner as he made him suffer from great burdens and his
owner didn’t feed him. The prophet
ordered his owner to reduce the owner and feed him with enough food. I heard
also when he went “the prophet" to open Mecca” with his army, he found a female
dog had new small babies dogs on the road of the army. He ordered some great
men of his friends to guide the army to go wide of it and its babies. Once, he
found a boy caught a bird. He was playing with it. After a while, he saw
another bird was flying and trying to touch that bird. It was obvious that it
was the mother of the catching bird. He talked to the boy and told him, "In
meaning", "As his mother loved him and will prevented him from any
harm. The mother of that bird loved it and prevented it from any harm. He will
do the best if he let it free to get its mother happy. The boy released him.”
He looked at me and said,” is this mercy still here between you.”
“In the past, we were respected. Your grandfather took my
grandfather to approach him to the ex-king's palace. My grandfather was a
leader to other horses. The carriage they dragged was having full decorated.
Some thieves and men who threatened and cut road, threatened your grandfather
and took everything. Your grandfather approached to the king palace lately. The
king was angry. When he knew what happened, he laughed a lot. The same thing
had been occurred to him in the past. Some thieves stopped him in the high way road
and took his car. When the king returned to his palace, he ordered the inner
minister. He led the big force of inner officers and caught these thieves. So,
the king did. The carriage and horses returned. When our grandfathers and
uncles and fathers moved the whole country stopped and watched .we were lived
in honor. The Beatty girl was liked by a female horse. She walked looked and her

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