Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Who is telling the truth?

 نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور ورود متحركة    صور حمير حمير مضحكة جدا جدا رحلة في عالم الحمير Donkey pictures
Who is telling the truth?
At ancient there was a man
Used a jock to advice
Or to show something
Worst and wrong
He had a neighbor
Used to borrow his donkey
To carry heavy loads
Without feeding or rest
The monkey returned ill
And stayed some days to cure
Goha, our hero called
Has a plan to stop
And prevent his ugly neighbor
Asking to take his donkey
When the neighbor came
He asked for the donkey
Goha stood and said
His son took him to a market
To carry heavy things
When the neighbor moved
He heard the voice of monkey
Came out from the home
He said "isn't that you monkey?"
Goha said in smile
You believe that animal
And don't believe me, neighbor

نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور ورود متحركة     نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور ورود متحركة   صور حمير حمير مضحكة جدا جدا رحلة في عالم الحمير Donkey pictures

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