the pharaoh's glory
Chapter 7
At this time the investigator converted Mr. Ali and his wife to rapid courage as they are big of tourists' children's kidnappers
All national world newspapers and TV canals wrote, "The big kidnapers of tourists' children were under arrest"
,"The two "man and woman" made a big crime"
"The situation at Egypt needs a big concentration of Egyptian government"
"The accident will influence and decreases the tourists to Egypt which was decreased in fact"
And "The Egyptians need a help of sky"
The day of courage came in speed for Mr. Ali and his wife.
The guard of the courage called, "The courage!"
All attendants were silent and they all stood.
The judge was in and his two assistants. He ordered after he sat, "Sit down please!"
He sat down and two assistants one by his right and the other by his left.
The silent was flying over the hall. The judge said, "Call for the first case!"
The man called, "The kidnapped of the tourists' children Mr. Ali and his wife!"
The judge said, "Call at the accused"
The man called "Mr.Ali fahmy abd elatif fahmy and his wife habiba shokry!"
The judge asked, "Are they here?"
Mr.Ali said, "Yes"
His wife said "YES"
The judge said, "The substitute of parquet please!"
The man stood and talked a long speech about that crime and how it will influence in economic and peace of life in Egypt. The society refused that crime as well as the holy religion Islam and Christianity. So, they must be punished with extreme punishment. They deserved to be executed!"
The woman heard that and she cried and felt unconscious and the man had a crying manner!"
The judge said, "The courage is stopped till they had cured!"
At the battle, the pharaoh's soldiers caught the two eyes of enemies who told the pharaoh that their king was camped near them.
The king of Hittites "Muawatlli" called at his soldiers, "This is the important moment to get over all of those awful enemies. This is the time to revenge from that people who killed and destroyed your country. This is the big time to get rid of Egypt and become the leader of the world. The history is the witness. The generations will mention you forever."
His soldiers shouted and said, "Yes, we will make all of them fell as bad rubbish and old trees' leaves. We made them as old dates having no roots, any small winds moved it as the ash and they will enter the waste basket"
The swords lightened under the sun rays. They were so sharp that they can cut the flying bird into two halves by only touching it. The spears were long and had sharpness blades. The arrows were prepared. The king of Hittites ordered, "Now! Attack your enemy with all your power. Attack them without wait. Attack them and don't give them any moment to have their breath."
The Hittites attacked Amun army. They destroyed most of them. The king said "Do not go back and get pharaoh now! I know he is here. If anyone caught him, I will marry him my most beautiful daughter and he will be the king after me."
The heartiness was fired. The hearts were pumped so violently and the eyes were wide as they were in the middle of the heads.
The pharaoh was hiding by some high grasses with little soldiers. Those were the rest of the army of Amun.
He gave the stick of govern and the crowd of the pharaoh to a soldier and ordered the other soldiers to follow him as he was the pharaoh and said, " Run as you could and do not let them kill you so easily. I knew you did a great favor not for me, but for your land. You may know you sacrifice yourself to save me. Don't be crowd! You carry the most important name "An Egyptian". Do not be fear. This is the moment that history will write what happen of heroic situations. Go on and Gods may bless you"
The soldier said," But dear pharaoh you may lost your govern and your government"
The pharaoh said, "No, the authority is not only the stick or the crown, but the mind and the heart and the people will choose and love. The authority means sacrifice for your nation, get the rest and good life for him and what the problem if even I lost my life and Egypt stay forever,
Viva Egypt"
The soldiers took off in hurry as they were moving by a rocket. The pharaoh stayed there without breathing. He was hiding. The enemies saw the soldier wearing the crown and carrying the stick they moved and got on him as crows which fell on dead or stood creatures which can't move, or the weak creatures. The soldiers fought, fought as they could. The pharaoh was moving behind and through the grasses. He was followed by his soldier. His heart was filled of fear not for himself but for Egypt.
Egypt gives him the mean of courage and the life of immortality. He was off as a wind which went out at a big storm and has a small open to get off. How rapid is it! The horse felt with his responsible to save his hero. He was as the experience's warrior man knew he could get revenge from his enemy. He carried on the back of Hittites' army with his soldiers. He could make a great gab in the enemy army. The amazement was great. It made a great unbalance at them. The killing and injuring were much. Then, the pharaoh could escape and stood for moments to return his breath and saw the way to return to his army. He saw the way.
Muawatlli saw him running and crossing the river. He ordered his soldiers to catch him not those deceitful.
One of the enemy's soldiers tried to obstruct him but he flew over his neck and threw him to the earth that made the soldier fell to the earth. He lost his mind. The pharaoh flew over the carriage and could set again. The group of enemies hunting him. He circled around a hill that made them been late and hurried. Thus, they became in front of him from their backs. They searched around they found no body, but they suddenly heard his sword touching them and the rest run with horror. The pharaoh still went on and some enemies followed him. He ascended some hill that made them tried to get up after him but their carriage was so slow that made him stood on the top of the hill alone. They were astonished when they saw him up. They tried to throw their arrows or spears at him who suddenly was found between them and played with his sword at their eyes that made them crying for forgiveness and sorrow. Some were killed and injured and others escaped. When the enemies' soldiers escaped, his fellow remembered his buddies who were killed. He cried but pharaoh had still his kindness and mercy. He said, "Do not cry, the women only cry. We still have rounds to achieve the great victory"
The soldier stopped his tears and wiped his eyes by a cloth between his cloths. He said, "But our pharaoh we are responsible for this deception."
Ramses II said, "What deception! You don't responsible for anything. I am only responsible for trusting of these two guys and you and my people have no responsible. The kings attributed every victory to themselves and forget the role of their people and soldiers. The greatest kings and the true kings admitted their faults. Boy, I am responsible for this situation, but as the courage outruns the sword, I must get the victory. Let us complete our way and connect with the rest army. But first let us see a safe road."
They crawled between brushes till they reach near the road. They looked everywhere and they found a big jungle of high grasses. They reached it and stood near the road. They saw the enemies' army. It was moving in battalions slowly waiting for their king. The others were chasing them.
Pharaoh said, "Good, we can reach before them by going through aside road and go in the main road, but look boys! Do you know the road to Egypt? If you want to return to your kind land go! And I will not be sad or get angry. Look boys, your countries call you for saving her and you souls call you to be safe. What are your choices?'
One of the soldiers said, "Every life away of Egypt is not life. I will stay with you my lord till the victory or the death"
The pharaoh said, "Good soldiers, let us go there!"
The horses stroke the earth by their legs as they did the steps of courage and victory of harmony of music. If this army contained like this soldier and this hero, they will not know the beat or failure. They did their effort as the souls of loving victory went into them. As the love of unbeaten is like electricity walked through the conduct metals. They ran faster than the winds. They ran speeder than their hearts pumping.
They reached finally to "Re" army which was nearly destroyed.
One of the soldiers cried loudly. His body vibrates very hard. He ascended and his head bowed to the land. The pharaoh followed him. He lifted the soldier's head by his hands and said, "What's the matter with you? You must fill of courage and your appearance must show the brave not the weak. You are the soldier of the most important land. Get up and show them your brave."
He ordered the rest of "Re" army to reach to the other armies to decrease the wide distances.
They finally gathered. The rest of the pharaoh's armies "Ptah, the rest of "Re" and "seth" were gathered.
Pharaoh said with great sad but the great insist appeared at his face, "We did a great fault by running after bad liars. We still have more than rounds to achieve our victory. We must have insisted to gain the victory. We must have the soul to fight and gain victory even it is in the lion's mouth.
Egypt look at you, see what you will do? The holy Gods will mention you at the heaven and the history will write only the men who achieved the victory by rosy write. You carry the name of Egypt. If you accept to be beaten and be destroyed, then you must not fight well. Fight with all your heart, fight as you wish to die and your Egypt stays. Fight to give your children and grandsons the life of proud"
This is our Egypt
It is the kind land
We will not let
It to be failed
Or get the beat
We are Egyptians
We make its situations
Higher over any dreams
It is our land
Kind, kind more than tales
The stories will surely say
The holy truth will say
Viva Egypt
Viva Egypt
Our hearts say
Our minds say
Our tears down
Saying with proud
Viva Egypt
Viva Egypt"
The king of the Hittites ordered to catch the pharaoh. When he saw the soldier carrying the stick and wearing the crown of pharaoh, he ordered to get that pharaoh alive. The soldiers took off as arrows knowing their aim, no wind no fog, no rain made them lost or late them. They caught the Egyptians' soldiers and killed them except that soldier, who they were thinking he was pharaoh. When Muwatalli
saw him he shouted, "Nooooo, he is not the pharaoh"
He wiped his face and continued with anger, "Why you didn't kill all soldiers?"
The soldiers said, "We did my majesty!"
The king said, "Noooooo" At anger and loud voice and continued, "You made me lost. I lost the most important moment at history to knock that proud country and smashed it into the mud. No, why are you stupid? There were two soldiers fighting as a lightning and killing as a thunder. One of them must be pharaoh. You must know, the wise said that "the king must be killed only by the king as him"
He screamed "whyyyyyyyyyy?"
Then, he said, "But we still have the stick of and the crown of Authority. That is Egypt, which will be under my control. We must go to smash the rest of army and kill pharaoh. Gods may give us the help and what we need!"
The Hittites moved at hurry and went toward the Egyptian's army. The king of Hittites said, "That is historical moment to change the history to be by their side. This a moment to make the pyramids and sphinx talked in the Hittites' speech. That is the limit time. Go and know, these Gods will give their hands to you. I want the head of the Pharaoh. If anyone kills him, he will marry my daughter who is the most beautiful princess at my kingdom and at the world"
The soldiers shouted and greeted, "Viva our king"
Ramses II said, "We carry the name of Egypt, the Nile is running at everyone not at land. The hearts pumped with her name. The eyes closed only at one dream. The most beauty groom at the life at past, time, modern and future is "EGYPT". You must defend against her
enemies not only by your swords or spears, but also by your hearts. If they want to occupy her, it must be over our corps and our souls"
The soldiers shouted, "Viva Egypt, viva pharaoh, viva Egypt
Live Egypt for ever
The Nile is her father
The world has one mother
Who is the mother?
Of the world
As she must appear
Of his kind and welfare
The only mother
That is the answer
The pharaoh said, "Go and God may assist us and know every span you gain means every victory you will have and the great glory is the death defending against the holy and kind land,"your mother" "EGYPT"
The two armies began lifting their swords. They were shines at the sun's rays. The spears were like the nubs of the mountains those could sharp and made scratch easily and can't move easily"
The sounds of meeting the swords were very horror and the arrows which flew at every side and the spears which were thrown as the result of throwing the trees by storms and the sound of killed and injured persons made the boys and girls hated the war.
They heard the king of Hittites saying, "Get me the pharaoh alive or dead"
The eyes of pharaoh who are very clever and intelligent than the Hittites' eyes told him about what the king of the Hittites said.
Pharaoh said to leaders of " Ptah ", "Morabi" and "Hour"(the leader of "Seth", "Take the half of your soldiers and divide into left and right. You will attack them from sides. Take attention to my sword if I turned it at a cycle in the air you must attack and turned around the Hittites army at two sides. You must fight with brave not coward and with courage not fear and with forward, not with backward, Go and may God may save you!' The two lenders with their soldiers went as the ghosts could fly over and turned the earth in seconds.
The pharaoh ordered the rest of two armies to gather at one army and met the Hittites' army at his heart. The two armies were concentrated at the heart. The armies fought with all their power and the Egyptian spirits looked to be back, that made the pharaoh shouted and fought with scream, "You are sons of Egypt not son of bad country"
He moved as a wind and pinched as a bee. He fought two soldiers He circled at the air made the swords strike at empty and he stroked them at their chests strongly and got them to the land. He returned to his army's wheel at acrobatic move that made the boys and girls clapped their hands in admiring motion without any thoughts of their minds. The pharaoh fought the two others by moving his trunk and chest left and right they were at puzzle and they were at land. He moved forward to another and fought him who tried to strike the pharaoh by his spear but pharaoh bent and made the spear flew over his head and flew after it and caught him in active movement. He rode his wheel in easy way making his enemy try escaping. But where could he go?
The spear knows his way and reached at his back to fell him into the earth.
The pharaoh pressured with his soldiers at the heart of the army. The second Muawatlli ordered his soldiers to fight without surrendering, without weakness, not only the world look at them but also the history.
The Pharaoh ordered two of his eyes to get the stick and the crown of authority from the enemy's camp. They changed their clothes and wore the same Hittites' clothes and they had gone with a long path till they entered the enemy's camp. They looked everywhere and acted as they fight Egyptian army. They made a quick friendship with some soldiers who tell them they had get tired of that awful war and why soldiers bear the fire of war and all benefits are gained by the kings. They agreed with this opinion and with this tale. They could make a strategy of knowing the crown and the stick of pharaoh where they were?
They chose one of the Hittites' Army and stuck him. They made him unconscious by hitting his head. They wore him the Egyptians' soldier which was hidden at their clothes. They told a nearer leader that they had caught a spy of the Egyptian. The king told his leader and ordered him to give these soldiers a reward. They became soon very near to the king. They had talked with the king's guards and knew where is the stick and the crown of Egypt. They made a decision to take them and hurry. One of them wanted to make urination. The king of Hittites was very clever. He ordered some men to keep their eyes up on them. An Egyptian soldier was going away of the war place to get urination. He found two Hittites' soldiers followed him and other hide remarking him. He had to make urination and returned with a smile. When he walked, he found the remarking men had begun to go. He struck one of them over his chest and the other on his face to prevent their shouting. He struck one after one by his armor at their faces. They fell to the earth. He was running towards the tent where his want where. He made a fire by concentrating some rays of sun on dry brushes by a magnifier which made that fire. That fire was wide and out of the king's tent. He was in speed run toward the tent and hided. He screamed "fire, fire". Some guards ran to discover what was going on? Others hesitated and the two Egyptians soldiers were in and dealt with the rest of guards with power and intelligent. They entered and said, "Stand and give us the pharaoh's things to transport them to safe place" When a guard stood, the Egyptian soldier stood and flew at him. He hurt him tell he downed to the earth. The others wanted to revenge, they flew at two enemies with great courage and struck them with their armors, their legs were at higher at their faces and their clasps were at their abdomens. Then, the swords appeared and in fast, they could make them run far with horror. At finally, they made all of them between falling or running. They could get the stick and the crown of the pharaoh. They rode the two horses. The guards returned with the others soldiers. The Egyptian soldiers were differed; one who carried the pharaoh's things had run at a long road in speed as sun rays ascended. The other ran in aside way. They tried to catch him but he can run away. The other went into the heart of enemy's army. He told another Egyptian soldier to give the stick and the crown safely to the Pharaoh or the Egyptians. The king of Hittites screamed "nooooooo'', when he heard the news of kidnapping the things of pharaoh. He said, "Bring them to me dead or alive. They made me lost the big hope. They must not be lived."
Ramses II moved his sword. The two wings of Egyptian army began to run fast. They could surround the Hittites army by two sides. They began to dovetail with Hittites' army. Their attack occurred at two sides. The orders were to narrow the front face of the army war to decrease the chance of attack them at wide front. The effort of the enemy was decreased as the strongest attack of the Egyptians forces. The Egyptian's wheels' army had their words in surrounding the Hittites. They made them entered a narrow way which leads to the river. The Egyptians wheels were lighter and moved speeder than the enemies' wheels. The pharaoh ordered to pick that soldier who took the pharaoh's things.
The Suicide group was in the field of war. They moved nearest the lift side where the soldier moved. Their bodies were so strong. Their muscles appeared as big and strong bugling made of iron. Their arms were as big as a west of fat horse and their thighs were so puffed. Those made the enemies feared of being struck, touched or put under them. They were riding Egyptians' wheels' army and horses. They moved as a wind and attack as a wild and doing their emission at prefect and clever. They tried to make their losses very dull. The attack began. They could go through the enemies' army. They attack by swords, spears and their hands and legs. They could make a great gap in the enemies' army. They were into them. They searched everywhere and finally they saw him running away to the front in the left side. His heart was filled of fear; his eyes were not blinked of frightening that he could not reach the pharaoh's things. The suicide Egyptians group ran faster and faster. They could become nearest to him than the enemies themselves. He was hurt at his head till he fell unconscious. He was carried by that group at the army wheel. The enemies got anger more than any time they tried to attack that group by more groups of soldiers, but they attacked them as the wolves, and fell like the anger crows. They tried to trap that group or surrounded them. They could go through them by full of courage and fighting. They resisted great strikes of enemies. They bore a lot of swords trying to hurt them. They could avoid those.
They returned to the pharaoh with the soldier. Finally, He was in the pharaoh's tent. When he was waked up, he shouted " I don't get fear, I will attack you, you will be smashed, viva Egypt, take that at your face" and he clapped the pharaoh at his face, who caught his hand strongly with a pity smile. When the soldier waked up, he found the pharaoh looked at him. He hanged him saying "forgive me my lord, I thought you are the king of the enemy!" The pharaoh laughed and ordered "give him a reward and let him to have a rest. Till let him participate at the war if he can. We need every soul every breath, every thought to get rid of those awful enemies" The pharaoh said that at the beginning of the victory and the end of the Hittites. The pharaoh's plane had taken its role. The victory became nearest than the sword's pharaoh catching. The Hittites lost their balance. The cycle of the battle was rolled over them. They had a lot of killed and injured between their rows.
The first day was ending with growing of victory gained by the Egyptians. The sun of the second day appeared to be the witness of the holy victory. In spite of its rays were ascending to salute those brave and courage soldiers, the sun was angry by seeing a lot of killing and injuring people.
The king of Hittites got very angry when he heard the Egyptian returned their things. He ordered his soldiers to attack at the center by their strong power. The pharaoh ordered his two wings of the army to surround the Hittites. He saw his wings made a great advance. He pretended to be beaten with his soldiers, so he ordered them to draw. The Hittites saw that. They tried to advance, but that was a trap that made the king of Hittites returned back. They tried, but the time was passed as the Egyptian wings were hurry than the enemy's army. Ramses II ordered his armies attack the Hittites. The Hittites had to return so fast. They had to return to the road leads to the river, under the strong and heavy attack of pharaoh's army. They had to fell into the nearer river. Many of Hittites were been killed
The supplies of Anaarina's soldiers came and the break point was in. The Hittites went back to the river. They were ordered to swim at the river to escape and withdraw from the battle. The killing and injuring at Hittites increased that made the boys and the girls cried. "Ramicharina "the Halab's prince who is the Hittites' allied" escaped with his soldiers.
The boys and girls cried. So, they begged the vicar to stop that war and go to the pharaoh to stop that war, but the vicar said, "How can we stop that war and we will vanish all of them? The victory became by our side? How can it occur?"
Andrea said, "You told us your Gods invite to peace and our God invites to peace, so our God is more kind than yours"
The vicar said angrily, "No!"
Andrea said, "So you don't obey them"
The vicar said, "No!"
Samy said, "Our God rewards who invites to peace and gives him a reward. The place at heaven .my ex-president "Sadat" made a big treaty with Israel"
The vicar said, "What did you say? Who is Sadat?
Samy continued, "He is called "the hero of the war and the peace""
The vicar astonished and said, "What?"
Samy said, "Yes, He led Egypt to a big victory at Ramadan "October's war" and made a big peace treaty with his enemy"
The vicar said, "The hero of the war and the peace is a wonder name and fantastic, but how can it be as the pharaoh will make a great victory?
Margaret said, "He will make a great favor to all nations!"
The vicar said, "Good, good, but how?"
Charles said, "I have an idea! You go and tell pharaoh about that idea!"
The vicar said"," No, he will arrest me and prison me. I will be called the surrender and the beaten!"
Samy said, "Dear sir, are you proud to see a lot of blood and when it does, it will be said an Egyptian like to kill? Dear sir you must say, "Yes, to our suggest and accept the stopping of that awful war, and not to be satisfied to achieve the victory over thousands of corps"
The big abbey man said, "I know, I know, but how can it be?"
Charles said, "Dear sir, if you don't mind, I have an idea?
The man said, "Say it!"
Chapter 8
Charles said, "Why don't you go to tell him about this idea?"
The vicar said, "No, me, he will have considered me unfaithful"
Margaret said, "And when you said his divinity will go with wind!"
The vicar said, "What do you mean my small lady about the divinity"
Margaret said, "You considered his majesty is the God for only you or for all world"
The vicar fell in hesitance and said, "Mmmmmm, fooooor all people of course!"
Margaret said, "And that means that he takes care of all souls"
The vicar said, "But the soul of our enemies must go to hell!"
Margaret said, "Yes of course, but if they don't know that he is the God!"
The vicar said, "What do you mean?"
Margaret said, "If he keeps their souls safely, they may be