Tuesday, June 11, 2024

the sacrifice of love


When the battle was ended

When the world closed its door

Towards the beaten army and walked

When the time was collapsed

The king Edwards and his leaders were killed

The army forces of the kingdom were chattered

Like an old cloth facing strong winds


Like the ship resisted severe winds

The news comes to the princess

She had to escape and run away

She wanted to see her father

To make him hug her

To return his flirt with her

To hear the world he always said

You are my queen of that kingdom

Your kingdom will grow and reach the two beaches

It will be stronger than anyone in the world

You will marry a brave knight

Who will  you return the best days


When she wanted to go to her killed lord

Her closest servant came and told to escape

The enemies searched for everyone who belonged to the last king

To kill or prison to get the kingdom without any resist  

She said to the princess had to escape

She rode the horse and escaped


She reached her beloved farmer

She went in a hurry and sat with him

His family was coming in a speed

They leave their work to hear

What this poor woman wanted to see

As they thought they believed

They told them the truth without any false

His mother looked angry and said”

When you were rich you denid us

And come her to get your joy

When you lose everything you ask to protect

No, we will not do what you wish

Go away and search for another place”


She did not expect that respond

She rode her horse with her servant in speed

Her crying was heard when she had gone







the sacrifice of love 6

 The battle had begun

King Edward ordered his instruction

Attack against that worst

Attack to protect your land


Our enemies are sheltered with bad liars

They come to destroy your wishes

They overlap the ranks

Make the lower-up

And the upper down


They come to get welfare

And make our land poor

They will limit your freedom

And kill every walking one

They will slave any woman

And took kinder as servants


Killing is their rules

The prisons are their only tongues

The ruin is their aim

To make our kingdom kneel


They were spread liars

And there will be wrong

Who loves to live with the truth

Must fight for his land


He prepared the army into sides

The two leaders were so strong

And the heart was his brave leader

He told them to fight more than they could

To make their hearts pumped so speed

And their blood fill their veins

The battle was begun

The two armies were attacking

The enemies betrayed

The king Edward fought with brave

The winds went against the ship

It sank into the deepest sea of fall


The king as his leaders were killed

The army escaped

The home was occupied

The princess cried a lot

And she had to run and find

A place where she can’t be found


She moved toward her beloved

When his mother and sisters saw her

They refused to guess and fired her out

She walked away with great sad

Her lovely youth struggle with his family

He did what must be done

Monday, June 10, 2024

the sacrifice for love "5"

 War drums beat, a determined beat,

Lord Edward overviewed, his warriors complete.

Head protectors glimmered, an ocean of decided may,

Prepared to conflict underneath the blurring light.


He remained on an ascent, his endured face horrid,

In any case, his voice blast clearly, a ruler's strong song.

"Heads of courage, my most confided in family,

This realm we treasure currently faces the clamor."


He pointed a remote place, where shadows amassed,

The foe's ravenousness, a haziness unbeatable.

"They compromise our homes, our lives, and our property,

Yet, underneath this pennant, we'll persevere!"


A searing gleam started in each eye,

As the lord raised his blade, puncturing the sky.

"Triumph is standing by! Allow fortitude to light,

For the fallen legends, who shed blood in the evening!"


Hear then, my heroes, a lord's decree,Let bravery and win your rallying call be!He who penetrates the positions, who drives with such might,Shall be conceded a palace, washed in brilliant light.


He who disperses their lines, an overall reborn,Shall rule close by, when triumph is sworn!For each foeman felled, their pennants brought low,Lands and titles gave, an inheritance to plant!


The commitment touched off, a fire in every heart,

Covetousness changed to respect, an honorable show-stopper.

Blades conflicted in a melody, a loud thunder,

Their faithfulness repeating, forevermore.


From the most youthful enroll to the carefully prepared old knight,

They swore their dedication, washed toward the beginning of the day's light.

Joined they stood, a post areas of strength for so,

Prepared to confront the murkiness, correcting some unacceptable.






the sacrifice of love 4


War drums beat, a persevering beat,

Lord Edward overviewed his troopers completely.

Head protectors glimmered, an ocean of decided may,

Prepared to conflict underneath the blurring light.


He remained on an ascent, his endured face horrid,

In any case, his voice blasts clearly, a ruler's powerful psalm.

"Heads of boldness, my most confided in family,

This realm we treasure currently faces the commotion."


He pointed a far distance, where shadows amassed,

The foe's voracity, an obscurity fantastic.

"They compromise our homes, our lives, and our territory,

Yet, underneath this flag, we'll persevere!"


A searing glimmer started in each eye,

As the lord raised his sword, penetrating the sky.

"Triumph is standing by! Allow fortitude to light,

For the fallen legends, who shed blood in the evening!"


Hear then, at that point, my bosses, a lord's decree, Let courage and win your call to war be! He who penetrates the positions, who drives with such might, Shall be conceded a palace, washed in brilliant light.


He who dissipates their lines, an overall reborn, Shall rule close by when triumph is sworn! For each foeman felled, their pennants brought low, Lands and titles offered, an inheritance to plant!


The commitment touched off, a fire in every heart,

Insatiability changed to respect, an honorable thing of beauty.

Blades conflicted in a chorale, a booming thunder,

Their steadfastness repeats, forevermore.


From the most youthful select to the carefully prepared old knight,

They vowed their commitment, washed toward the beginning of the day's light.

Joined they stood, a fortification so solid,

Prepared to confront the murkiness, correcting some unacceptable.



Saturday, June 8, 2024

the sacrifice of love 3



The hoof beats repeated a mad pursuit,

Sarah returned, tears painting her face.

Fresh insight about trespassers, a tempest at the door,

Her basic life was broken, fixed by destiny.


Back in the castle, a scene of misery,

Lord Edward paced, a crown loaded up with care.

His endured face carved with stress so profound,

Counsels mumbled mysteries they'd keep.


Troopers collected, an ocean of cold steel,

Protective caps reflect unbelievable feelings.

Sarah, when stowed away, remained steadfast and thus tall,

Requesting a crowd of people, disregarding everything.


The ruler, in shock, saw not a lost kid,

Be that as it may, a lady of solidarity, her soul unriled.

She talked about the town, of Joan's delicate hand,

Their affection for the land is a bond that endures.


Her voice, a delicate coal, touched off a flash,

Counsels planned, making some meaningful difference.

With information gathered from Sarah's sharp eye,

They arranged a trap, underneath a reasonable sky.


The foe's haughtiness, a weapon to use,

Utilizing the territory, a story was uncovered.

Ruler Edward, trust ascending inside his old casing,

Tended to his warriors, calling each by name.


He talked not of obligation, a cool, empty word,

However, of families esteemed, an adoration to be heard.

The ranchers who worked, the kids who played,

Their realm, their shelter, a cost to be paid.


Sarah remained next to him, a princess renewed,

An image of mental fortitude, against the conflict's morn.

Their hearts pulsating as one, a unified front,

Prepared to confront the murkiness, the approaching surge.


Presently hear the call, a sonnet of might, For realm and crown, we'll stand and we'll fight. Though shadows plunge, and dread may ignite, Together we rise, washed in morning's most memorable light.


With blades held high, and voices so strong, We'll expel the haziness, where it belongs. For the love of our property, our families held dear, We'll vanquish the adversary, with triumph close.


The sonnet reverberated, a rallying call valid,

Steel sparkled in the daylight, and eyes washed in another tone.

The realm joined together, a power to observe,

Prepared to meet the foe, courageous and striking.






The sacrifice of love 2



Sarah, with hair like turned daylight splendid,

Concealed her regal ancestry from town sight.

No crown decorated, no silks did she wear,

Straightforward garments and a heart to share.


An acquired jackass, her respectable horse,

Conveyed her soul where wildflowers feed.

A ginger feline, a devilish companion,

It would wind between legs in a fuzzy pattern.


The ducks in the lake, with alarmed screeches,

Pursued by her giggling, perky insults.

A delicate canine, ever close by,

Found companionship blossoming, a steadfast aide.


Juni , the rancher's better half, with endured face,

Saw a close companion, a delicate effortlessness.

Eyes that held miracle, a grin so splendid,

Warmed the farmhouse with its delicate light.


The kids assembled, an inquisitive group,

Murmuring stories of who Sarah could be, valid?

Is it true or not that she was a holy messenger, with chuckling so free?

Or on the other hand a lost wood sprite, from a secret tree?


Sarah joined their games, with endless happiness,

Climbing trees, building fortifications by the honey bee-filled lea.

She learned of the reap, the calloused hand,

The basic euphoria in tending the land.


Around evening time, with fireflies shimmering like stars,

Juni recounted stories underneath the moon's delicate bars.

Of adoration and misfortune, of dreams held dear,

Murmurs of enchantment filled the environment.


Sarah, thus, discussed a far-off land,

With transcending towers and a lord's order.

However, her voice held a yearning for something else,

For the glow of home, and love at the center.


At some point, a rider, with insight into the court,

Looked for a princess, lost in a far-off port.

The youngsters wheezed, a reality presently uncovered,

Their dear Sarah, a princess covered.


Tears welled in Juni's eyes, a clashing sting,

To lose a little girl, yet watch a princess take wing.

Sarah held her nearby, a bond major areas of strength for so,

Love rises above titles, where hearts should be.


The jackass stood prepared, its excursion within reach,

In any case, Sarah glanced back at the inviting area.

A decision to be made, a way muddled,

A princess' obligation, a daily existence held so dear.


With crushing sadness, she jumped on the monster,

A last hug, a murmured feast

Of recollections shared, under a sun-kissed sky,

Where a princess tracked down adoration, 

however, she needed to bid farewell.

The sacrifice of love 1


In pinnacles of silk, a princess stayed,

With eyes like sapphires, and a brain that succeeded.

Yet, cultured undertakings, a plated confine felt,

Longing for something the palace couldn't soften.


On one occasion on the lookout, a tune turned,

A lute player's melody, underneath the mid year sun.

His voice, a rich tenor, his garments worn and dainty,

However in his music, a fire started.


The princess, masked, with a coin in her grasp,

Moved nearer, hypnotized, to this mysterious band.

They discussed his fantasies, of a melody yet unwritten,

A song unadulterated, with feelings stricken.


She, concealing her station, a researcher's camouflage,

Shared sections and mind, underneath the unmistakable skies.

Hours went to minutes, in chuckling and light,

A companionship lighted, a bond taking off.


He saw not a princess, but rather a close companion's flash,

A brain that moved uninhibitedly, making some meaningful difference.

They'd meet by the wellspring, underneath the old oak,

Sharing implicit dreams, an affection that got up.


However, murmurs emerged, of a princess concealed,

A decision to be made, an affection yet unblemished.

The heaviness of her crown, a weight to bear,

Could cherish at any point bloom, with a heart exposed?


At some point, with a tear, reality she admitted,

A princess in affection, with a straightforward minstrel favored.

He remained there puzzled, his heart loaded up with fear,

Could cherish overcome any barrier, among dimness and light?


In any case, in his eyes reflected, an adoration comparably profound,

For the lady he esteemed, his comfort to keep.

"Love fabricates no walls," he murmured, with voice warm and valid,

"Together we'll compose, a song new."


So they picked a way, not of silk and of gold,

Yet, of adoration and of music, a story untold.

The princess, the researcher, the poet close by,

Tracked down a realm of hearts, where genuine romance could live.




